I've realised that I've been following the same blog over and over again
and there are a lot more interesting blogs out there.
So I guess I would like to be generous
and for those who thinks that they've got super interesting blogs
to leave your url in my comment box and if you're interesting
enough for me to follow (= traffic = for those with nuff = $$),
I'll link u up on my darLINKs and you are assured a reader, everyday!
So let's start and can't wait for the updates!!
"super interesting"???
Who dare to put?! haha...
Hello, by the way!! :)
And, I so do not agree on the Average Monthly Pay and Salaries in Singapore. But then again, wo what? The inflation is high too..earn more, pay more :(
Average pay
Well.. don't shoot me.. i'm just the messenger haha..
It's a MOM survey...
Yup...but seriously, if that's the average, Sporeans wont be unhappy like now. But of coz if that survey incls Foreign talents and PRs, then nothing to say... :p
My guess is.. because it uses average...
Probably the top earners earn so much more it makes the average looks good...
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