Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hello to Mr Studying in Tasmania.....

Like I've said, I don't reallly know the direction to his blog at the moment but well, if you are reading this, say hello to my dear friend, John, over at his blog :D

His virgin attempt at blogging and follow his journey into applying for his MBA and exploring Tasmania, Australia.

Have a Terrific Thursday and don't forget to click and check out the advertisers Philips and Bosch.
I think Bosch has an interesting competition going on called - The Bosch Dream Kitchen Cookoff. I shall find time to check this out! :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

23rd October 2012 would have been our 9th month wedding anniversary but alas...we can only plan but well, things change...pfft...people change and all the posts he posted were....well a big fat pile of SHIT! :D

Here I am sitting in my office planning my 2nd trip in a year to the big YEW...AZZZZ...of EHHHH.... hehe..yeah, USA.

How it all started well....

So like I've said, it would have been our 9th month anniversary and along with the wedding the usual honeymoon. But since the wedding was called off 27 day to the event hoo hoo... urgh... I went on the 'honeymoon' on my own. YEAY!

It was my first ever vacation to Perth on my own.
Apart from going on a 'vacation', I was there to attend the "A-hoe"(yeah, let's call him that shall we.. :D) bestfriend's wedding.

Yeah, A WEDDING despite mine's cancelled! How wonderful is that?


But funny thing is that I had a freaking good time!
Not only that, I met up and bunked in with my girlfriend who is currently working on her Masters in UWA. I had a freaking good time.

Came back and the whole routine kicks in till one night someone said Hi and convinced me to head over to the US for a good time. :)

I had a blast vacationing in Vegas and the company too...thus planning another trip in Dec...whoa!

Feb in Perth....

July in Denver and Vegas

Dec in Colorado and Aspen..... i'm enjoying this....anyways...will update again...Idk the direction of this blog as of now and I don't really have the intention to delete the other posts...since it's generating traffic and I'm earning from nuffnang...hehe... so till the next time... :p

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